Inspiring The Next Generation

Orphan Founders Paves The Way For Young Entrepreneurs To Grow

We aim to be the spark that mobilizes 1 million orphans between the ages of 12-18 to grow into high-impact entrepreneurs and global leaders through mentorship, guidance, and hands-on experience.

against light, summer, silhouette

What is Orphan Founders?

Orphan Founders started with a simple question: how can the lives of the world’s more than 100 million orphans be improved and, through that, the world around them?

The answer was two-fold. First, teach young orphans to be self-reliant and provide them with the knowledge and tools to tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems. Second, put them in a position to succeed and impart their knowledge to future generations, creating a virtuous cycle of entrepreneurship and leadership.

With these two goals in mind, Orphan Founders began developing a comprehensive program addressing the many areas any successful entrepreneur needs to master. Further, to maximize each young orphan’s opportunities, they are imparted with the necessary tools to navigate everyday challenges that might otherwise impede their progress in creating innovative, scalable, and impactful solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues. This is all made possible through donations and efforts put forth by volunteers dedicated to the success of young orphans around the world.

Help Ignite The Spark

Empowering young orphans to solve the world’s most pressing issues is a community effort. Through donations and volunteering, you can help to make good on this commitment.

Support Us:

  • More news soon about how to support our cause


  • Contact us if you are interested in volunteering

Helping The Most Vulnerable

For the more than 100 million orphans around the world, a life of hardship currently awaits. According to UNICEF, 60% of young orphan girls will be trafficked, and 70% of young orphan boys will end up criminals.

Orphan Founders is the start of changing these numbers for the better.

To Become The Most Resilient

Through the help of volunteers and donors like yourself, every orphan we work with will be set on a path toward self-sufficiency and given the chance to succeed. You have the power to break the cycle of damage by investing in future world leaders and providing them with the tools needed to thrive.

“This is how change happens. One Gesture. One person. One moment at a time.”